Mini Skimmer Man
Who is this guy, and why is he flipping us off? That's MINI-SKIMMER MAN, and it's hard to see but I think that's a thumbs-up. Either that or he's pointing to his new hat. What's he so happy about? Wayne Products has a complete line of skimming products that include cogged belt mini-skimmers for CNC machines, stainless steel belted mini-skimmers for harsh environments, flat belt mini-skimmers, skinni-mini drum skimmers, and a mini tube-type skimmer, They also have OEM and international mini-skimmers. Mini-skimmers have been at work for Wayne Products' customers since 1989 and are considered among the most reliable on the market. If you don't agree with that, see the little man in the picture. Click on him to see the skimmer line yourself. There's a selector aid online as well. They also have a Maxi-Skimmer line but there was no fun logo to go with it that we could find.