Battle For The Alps
The traditional family owned company Strub + Co. AG is an independent manufacturer located in the heart of Switzerland. Strub Swiss Tribology claims to have developed the first metalworking fluid in Switzerland in 1956. Since that time, new or modified products have been produced every year. The worldwide audience of Strub MWF users is getting bigger and bigger because of the flexibility, the experience and the ability to produce tailor made products. This latest press release announces the arrival of their biobalanced STRUB Stabillo Cut 2 EP. Strub appears to be poised to challenge some of the industry giants. They happen to have one in their backyard right now. METALWORKING FLUID MAGAZINE is ready to host Death Match II: "The Battle for the Alps" between Stubs and Heavyweight Blaser Swisslube...whenever they're ready. And the winner will be: You - the End User.